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  • Our Governors

    At Victoria Park Nursery School & Family Hub we have: two Parent Governors; one Local Authority Governor; one Staff Governor; four Co-opted Governors and one Associate Governor.  The Headteacher is automatically a member of the Governing Body.

    The full Governing Body meets regularly to address key issues, set strategic direction, review policies and to challenge the leadership team so that the Nursery School & Family Hub keeps improving.

    Governors are elected for a four year term of office, with elections held for the Chair and Vice Chair positions every two years. Parent Governors are elected by parents of children attending the Nursery School, and staff Governors are elected by Nursery staff. Co-opted governors may apply to become governors directly, and once satisfactory checks have been completed, are voted on by the governing body. Local Authority governors are placed by the Council’s Governor Services team as and when a vacancy arises. Associate members are also invited to join the governing body.

    Governors visit the Nursery School & Family Hub on a regular basis, and have the opportunity to get involved in key events and activities throughout the year.

  • Instrument of Government
  • Governors' Register of Interests
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