Additional Needs
The Local Offer sets out provision which is available for children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND), aged 0 to 25, including education, health and social care services.
If you cannot find what you are looking for, or need further assistance please contact us:
Phone : 01635 503100
Email :
Speech & Language Therapy Drop-in Sessions
Drop-in therapy sessions for early communication skills for children from birth to the end of nursery
These sessions are currently on hold due to the pandemic.
Can help if your child has difficulties:
- Understanding words, sentences and instructions
- Using words and sentences, pronouncing words
- Talking – stammering, a husky/hoarse voice
- Social skills and play
Emotional Health Academy
Helping children, young people and families find support for emotional well-being earlier, faster and more easily. For more information please visit:
‘Parenting Special Children’ provide parenting programmes and a Diagnosis Support Service specifically for families who have children with special needs.
For further information please contact: 01189863532 or visit:
Swings and Smiles: Support, friendship and play for children with special needs and their families: